Publications OK SMART LAB

Continuous phase-shift lithography with a roll-type mask and application to transparent conductor fabrication
Moon Kyu Kwak, Jong G Ok, Jae Yong Lee, and L. Jay Guo
23 (34), 344008 (Aug 2012)
Prior to 2014
We report the development of a near-field optical nanolithography method using a roll-type phase-shift mask. Sub-wavelength resolution is achieved using near-field exposure of photoresist through a cylindrical phase mask, allowing dynamic and high throughput continuous patterning. As an application, we present the fabrication of a transparent electrode in the form of a metallic wire grid by using the roller-based optical lithography method. To fabricate a mesh-type metal pattern, a specific phase-shift mask was designed and critical experimental parameters were also studied. As a result, a transparent conductor with suitable properties was achieved with a recently built cylindrical phase-shift lithography prototype designed to pattern on 100 mm2 of substrate area.