Publications OK SMART LAB

Uniformity enhancement of carbon nanofiber emitters via electrical discharge machining
Jong G. Ok, Bo Hyun Kim, Woo Yong Sung, Chong Nam Chu, and Yong Hyup Kim
Applied Physics Letters
90 (3), 033117 (Jan 2007)
Prior to 2014
A very simple, clean, and effective method based on a reliable machining process called electrical discharge machining (EDM) was introduced in order to enhance the field emission uniformity of carbon nanofibers (CNFs). After an EDM post-treatment, the uniformity of the CNF emitters was clearly improved without contaminations, damages, or crystalline deteriorations of the CNFs. As a result, field emission uniformity was apparently enhanced at a low electric field range, promising that the method can be practical for applications requiring both large size and fine uniformity such as in a backlight unit.