Publications OK SMART LAB

Size-dependent detection sensitivity of spherical particles sitting on a double-bent gold strip array
Jung-Sub Wi, Dong Kyo Oh, Moon Kyu Kwak, and Jong G. Ok
Optical Materials Express
8 (7), 1774-1779 (Jul 2018)
To achieve a size-dependent detection sensitivity of spherical nanoparticles, we propose a one-dimensional array of double-bent Au strips as a nanoplasmonic sensor and also as a size-filtering device. Electromagnetic simulations and measured absorbance spectra demonstrate that local plasmonic fields developed at the double-bent Au strips differentiate plasmonic responses for 100 nm- and 200 nm-sized spherical particles. Our results highlight the potential of the double-bent Au strip array as a sensing platform providing size-dependent sensitivity for spherical analytes.